Monthly Archives: May 2011

Measles Outbreaks: April has been a busy month

child infected with measles virus


  • Quebec City, Quebec Canada reported a minor outbreak of 36 cases of measles more than half  in the capital region. The disease was brought to Canada by people who travelled to France, where 4,937 cases of measles were reported between January and March.
  • There is a possible measles outbreak in South Jersey after a man with measles visited at least six places while infectious.Health officials in Utah are trying to contain a measles outbreak that may have infected hundreds of people who attended two recent community events.
  • Nine cases in Utah have been linked to an unvaccinated person who contracted the disease in Poland. Epidemiologists have determined that the infected person may have exposed as many as 1,000 people earlier this month.

Measles spreads through the air by breathing, coughing or sneezing. Measles are so contagious that if one person has it, 90 percent of those near that individual will also become infected if they are not immune.